#RAD Secret Santa
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demonvibezart · 1 month ago
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all diavolo wants this year, is to wrap his arms around you ♡
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missjanjie · 3 months ago
✨❄️Secret Santa Fic Exchange❄️✨
Since there seems to be enough interest, I’ve decided to bring this back for 2024! I’m gonna make a form for everyone interested to fill out either tonight or tomorrow and keep sign-ups open for a week or so.
Additionally, if anyone wants to co-run this w me that’d be rad, just dm me <3
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clingypope · 2 months ago
Hey @shootingcookielover <3 ich war dein Secret Santa!!
Fröhliche Wächter-Weihnachten!
Eos und Ju beschließen, dass das Fest der Liebe der beste Zeitpunkt ist, um den restlichen Wächtern zu unterbreiten, dass sie in einer Beziehung sind. Allerdings scheint dieses Jahr an Weihnachten vor allem eins auf der Tagesordnung zu stehen: Chaos. Featuring: zu viele Fourth-Wall-Breaks von Zeke, Rhuns Geduldsfaden, der allwissende Klaus und ein sehr verstörter Fips.
„Julien, bitte beruhige dich. Meine Brüder werden es nicht verurteilen, dass wir in einer Beziehung sind.”
„Woher willst du das denn wissen?”
Eos hätte seinen Partner ernster genommen, wenn dieser nicht einen unreal schrillen Weihnachtspullover angehabt hätte. In dem neonblauen Kleidungsstück, das einen lachenden Schneemann vorne und eine lachende Schneefrau hinten drauf hatte, sah Julien sogar in diesem verstimmten Gemüt einfach zu witzig aus. Das Teil konnte sogar leuchten. Und blinken. (Wie das funktionierte, war Eos ein Rätsel.)
Mit einem Fingerschnippen holte Julien ihn wieder in die Realität zurück. „Hallo? Hörst du mir überhaupt zu?“
Eos blinzelte verlegen und sagte: „Äh, entschuldige. Ich war kurz gedanklich woanders.“
„Ich hab nur gesagt, dass ich nicht nur deswegen“, er zeigte bedeutungsvoll zwischen ihnen hin und her, „besorgt bin. Was ist, wenn deine Brüder meine Geschenke für sie nicht mögen?”
Eos nahm Juliens Hände in seine und versuchte, ihm ehrlich beruhigend zuzureden. „Das werden sie schon. Vertrau mir, du hast die perfekten Sachen ausgesucht.”
Julien schnitt eine Grimasse. „Ich– Mann, ich weiß gar nicht, warum ich so nervös bin. Ich will einfach, dass alles heute perfekt wird.”
Eos drückte einen zarten Kuss auf die Fingerknöchel seines Partners. „Mach dir keine Sorgen“, meinte er. „Wollen wir jetzt schon aufbrechen? Dann haben wir für alles, was noch erledigt werden muss, noch genügend Zeit.“
„Ja, das ist eine gute Idee.“ Julien lächelte Eos an, was eine angenehme Wärme in seinem Herzen auslöste. Vor einigen Monaten noch wäre es ihm undenkbar gewesen, so eine Verbindung zu einem Menschen aufzubauen, geschweige denn diesem Menschen – aber er und Julien zogen sich an wie zwei verschieden gepolte Magnete. Wächter und Kompass; wie vom Schicksal selbst verbunden.
Das würden sie seinen Brüdern heute, am Fest der Liebe, Familie und Freude, unterbreiten.
Im Hotel zum Zahn herrschte eine regelrecht zauberhafte Atmosphäre – das sonst eher dunkle Gebäude war über und über mit Lichterketten, Weihnachtsbäumen und künstlichem Schnee dekoriert worden. Rhun hatte nach extensivem Betteln von allen ihren Brüdern widerwillig eingewilligt, das Hotel zur Location von ihrer Weihnachtsfeier zu machen. Eos war sich ziemlich sicher, dass Rhun trotzdem Zähne sammeln gehen würde, nur ein bisschen später als sonst. Aber wenn sie das glücklich machte, von ihm aus.
Eos und Ju kamen fast als Letzte an (Fips, so hatte Eos in den letzten Monaten gelernt, kam immer ��fashionably“ zu spät) und trafen in der Lobby schon auf Zeke, der gerade einen Weihnachtsbaum mit schlangenförmigen Ornamenten behängte. Der Sandmann hatte einen weißen Bommel an das spitze Ende seiner Kapuze gemacht und sah jetzt ein bisschen aus wie Klaus mit einer sehr falschen Farbpalette.
„Na hallo, ihr beiden“, grüßte er Eos und Julien fröhlich. „Fröhliche Weihnachten!“
„Fröhliche Weihnachten”, erwiderte Julien ein wenig abgehackt. Eos legte ihm reflexartig eine Hand auf den Rücken, damit er sich auflockerte – tatsächlich entspannte sich Julien unter seiner Berührung und schenkte ihm ein kleines, dankbares Lächeln.
Zeke würgte lautstark. „Uäh, ich sehe, wie es ist. Ich bin das dritte Rad am Wagen in dieser Fic. Ne danke, ich hab freien Willen, ich verpiss mich.”
Eos sah verwirrt zu ihm. „Was?”
Zeke zuckte nur mit den Schultern und meinte: „Wir haben fast keine Kekse mehr, weil Rhuns Mitarbeiter die alle fressen. Wollt ihr welche machen?”
Keine gute Idee.
Eos hatte sich seiner hohen Meinung nach recht gut an das Leben in dieser modernen Welt angepasst – er verstand manche Dinge zwar nicht (wie zur Hölle funktionierte Bluetooth. Das war mehr Magie, als es seine fliegende Insel jemals gewesen war), aber laut Julien hatte er sich beeindruckend schnell an das einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert als solches gewöhnt.
Aber Kochen hatte er schon im sechzehnten nicht gekonnt, und Backen sowieso nicht.
Irgendwie hätte er es kommen sehen müssen, dass irgendwas anbrennen würde. Trotzdem war er überrascht, als Ju ihn ohne jegliches Zögern mit einem Feuerlöscher Löschschaum frontal ins Gesicht sprühte.
Ehrlich jetzt. Eos hatte nicht mal gebrannt. Ju hatte ihn trotzdem von oben bis unten mit Löschschaum bedeckt.
Nachdem Rhun ihn mit einigen sehr gewählten Worten aus der Küche verbannt hatte (und seine Mitarbeiterin Minty laminierte Hinweise auf seine Verbannung an die Küchentür geklebt hatte) und Eos sich wieder halbwegs von dem Schaum befreit hatte, war er ein wenig wütend auf seinen Partner, der sich weigerte, sich für den Feuerlöscher-Stunt zu entschuldigen. „Wenigstens hab ich das Feuer gelöscht“, sagte Julien nur stur, und wenn Julien sich dafür entschied, stur zu sein, konnte Eos auch nichts mehr ausrichten. Darum ging er, eingeschnappt, wie er nun mal war, in das Foyer, wo Klaus an dem Weihnachtsbaum weiter dekorierte, den Zeke vor eineinhalb Stunden halb fertig stehengelassen hatte.
Als er Klaus so da stehen sah, fiel ihm etwas ein. Eos ging mit schnellen Schritten auf ihn zu, eine Idee in seinem Kopf formend.
„Hey“, sagte sein Bruder, als er ihn sah, „fröhliche–”
„Ich muss dich um Rat fragen”, unterbrach Eos ihn. Das war auch schon seine ganze Idee. „Es geht um ein Geschenk.”
Klaus zog die Augenbrauen hoch. „Ach? Welches denn?”
Eos erwischte sich dabei, wie er von einem Fuß auf den anderen trat, und hörte abrupt damit auf. Er sah sich um und sprach dann leiser als unbedingt nötig, obwohl er niemanden sah. „Es ist… na ja, es ist für Julien.“
Klaus sah ihn über den Rand seiner Brille hinweg wissend an. „Ah. Ich sehe. Nur raus damit, was hast du ihm denn besorgt?”
Eos wurde unangenehm heiß im Gesicht. „Einen Kompass.”
Er erklärte es Klaus zögerlich – der Kompass auf Jus Rücken zeigte nur vier Symbole. Wer auch immer ihn tätowiert hatte, hatte Eos natürlich nicht mit den Wächtern einbezogen. Also hatte Eos mit viel Aufwand (und dem Blut tausend katalanischer Mauereidechsen) einen Kompass gebaut, der immer auf ihn zeigte… falls Julien ihn mal aus irgendeinem Grund nicht finden konnte.
Klaus’ Augen hatten immer noch diesen viel zu wissenden Blick, als er am Ende von Eos’ Erklärung nickte. „Das ist ein sehr schönes Geschenk, Eos. Er wird sich bestimmt freuen.”
Eos atmete erleichtert auf. Es war ihm teilweise zu kitschig vorgekommen, aber wenn Klaus, der nichts von ihrer Beziehung wusste, es nicht so sah, musste es ja passen.
Klaus legte eine Hand auf seine Schulter und lächelte ihn beruhigend an. „Wollt ihr beiden nicht den Baum fertig schmücken? Ich suche derweil Rhun und versuche, sie davon abzuhalten, Meuchelmord zu begehen.”
Eos blinzelte und nickte. „Gute Idee.”
Wie sich herausstellte, war es eine miserable Idee. Nicht, Rhun von Meuchelmord abzuhalten, nach dem Küchendesaster war das eine exzellente Idee, aber Ju und Eos diesen Weihnachtsbaum fertig schmücken zu lassen, war nicht Klaus’ glänzendster Moment.
Denn Eos und Ju schafften es, auch den Weihnachtsbaum anzuzünden.
„Wie ist das überhaupt passiert–”
„Du wolltest die Kerzen anzünden!”
„Ja, um kurz zu sehen, wie das aussieht! Nicht, um sie lange brennen zu lassen!”
„Deswegen wollte ich elektronische Kerzen!”
„Wir haben aber keine!”
Während Ju und Eos so diskutierten, brannte der Weihnachtsbaum lichterloh.
Ju holte aus dem Nichts wieder einen Feuerlöscher raus. Eos sprang mit erhobenen Händen zurück. „Wag es ja nicht–”
Aber dieses Mal sprühte Ju nur den Baum voll. Eos überlebte es.
„Was zur Hölle ist hier los?”
Eos und Ju drehten sich gleichzeitig zu Fips, der entgeistert den schaumbedeckten Baum anstarrte.
„Öhh“, machte Ju. „Moderner Baumschmuck?“
Fips schnitt eine Grimasse. „Wir müssen einen neuen Baum besorgen. Sonst killt Rhun uns.”
Dass das Hotel von einem Wald umgeben war, spielte ihnen ziemlich gut in die Karten. Zu dritt stapften der Osterhase, der Hüter des Mondes und Julien durch den Wald und suchten nach einer jungen, schönen Tanne. Hörte sich vielleicht nach einer tollen Weihnachtsaktivität an, allerdings wurde es ein wenig dadurch versaut, dass Fips und Eos immer noch ein wenig unsicher miteinander umgingen (schon bisschen awkward, jemanden von den Toten zurückzuholen, aber… falsch) und Ju Eos jetzt eiskalt ignorierte.
Nach einer Stunde stiller Herumsucherei konnte er es nicht mehr ertragen. Eos ging langsamer als Fips, um auf Juliens Höhe zu landen, und stupste ihn an. „Wir hätten nach elektronischen Kerzen suchen sollen.”
„Wir hätten die blöden normalen Kerzen schon lassen können, wir hätten sie nur nicht anzünden sollen.” Julien sah ihn nicht an, als er sprach. Eos sah zum Himmel hinauf und bat irgendjemanden da draußen um Geduld.
Mit einem schnellen Blick nach vorne vergewisserte er sich, dass Fips zwischen den Bäumen verschwunden war – dann ergriff er Juliens Handgelenk und zog ihn in eine feste Umarmung. „Du hattest Recht”, sagte er, ein wenig gedämpft gegen Juliens Haare. „Es tut mir leid.”
„Halt die Klappe”, murmelte Julien. aber er zog nicht weg, was Eos als Gewinn zählte. „Ich hätte auch sehen können, dass die Kerzen zu niedrig brennen. Wir haben beide verschissen.”
Bevor Eos irgendetwas erwidern konnte, hatte Julien ihn ein wenig weggeschoben, sich auf seine Zehenspitzen gestellt und einen sanften Kuss auf Eos’ Mund gedrückt. Die Wärme, die sich in seinem Herzen ausbreitete, hätte den Schnee um sie herum glatt schmelzen können.
„Lass uns nicht streiten”, sagte Julien, als sie sich wieder trennten. „Es ist Weihnachten.”
Eos lächelte breit und nickte.
Sie schreckten genau rechtzeitig auseinander, bevor Fips zwischen den Bäumen hervorkam, über beide Hasenohren strahlend. Er zeigte auf den Wald hinter ihm.
„Der ist perfekt! Kommt mal und helft mir, ihn zurück zum Hotel zu bringen!”
Nach einigem Hin und Her war der neue Weihnachtsbaum sicher im Foyer des Hotels zum Zahn aufgestellt und Fips ging, um nach elektrischen Kerzen zu suchen. Eos und Julien einigten sich auf kunterbunt durchgemischten Schmuck für den Baum und hatten beim Dekorieren tatsächlich dieses Mal Spaß.
Als sie halb fertig waren, spazierte Zeke ins Foyer und blieb verdutzt im Türrahmen stehen. „Äh… was ist das denn? Hallo, Autor? Haben wir den Plot verloren oder was?”
„Mit wem redest du?”, fragte Julien ihn abwesend, während er Lamettafarben verglich.
„Niemand, den du sehen kannst. Ich hol mal die anderen, falls ihr wieder was anzündet. Würd es dieser Fic zutrauen.”
Und zack – er war wieder verschwunden.
Julien und Eos schmückten den Baum fertig und deponierten ihre Geschenke unter seinen tiefsten Zweigen. Als sie endlich fertig waren, stellten sie sich nebeneinander und sahen stolz auf ihr fertiges Werk.
„Der sieht ja wirklich schön aus”, meinte Julien fast schon verwirrt.
Eos betrachtete den Baum, den sie mit Kugeln in allen Farben behängt hatten – metallenes Orange, knalliges Violett, neonblau und blasses Pink nebeneinander – gepaart mit Zuckerstangen, goldenem Lametta und einer selbstgebastelten Spitze, die mehr als ein wenig Ähnlichkeit mit Eos hatte („Weil du mein Engel bist“, hatte Julien gewitzelt. Eos war rot geworden). Es war ein sehr seltsamer Weihnachtsbaum, aber Julien hatte Recht – irgendwie sah er schön aus.
„Fast so schön wie du”, sagte er.
Julien lächelte ihn an und zog ihn für einen Kuss runter. Eos war so damit beschäftigt, den Moment zu genießen, dass er nicht hörte, wie die Tür sich öffnete–
Bis Fips anfing, lauthals zu schreien.
Es war ein schönes Weihnachtsfest – die Brüder freuten sich über ihre Geschenke, Zeke sammelte von allen Seiten Wettengeld ein (er „kannte den Plot“, laut eigener Aussage), Julien küsste Eos für den Kompass halb besinnungslos, Klaus schien überhaupt nicht überrascht, Rhun sah aus, als ob der Weihnachtsbaum ihm physische Schmerzen bereiten würde, und Fips schien der Einzige zu sein, der wirklich keine Ahnung von Julien und Eos gehabt hatte.
Fröhliche Weihnachten bei den Wächtern.
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hattiestgal · 1 year ago
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lmess-artzies · 1 year ago
!!!!!!! yiPPEEEEE
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Happy Fall, guyz!!
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It's August!! And this is my piece for the @samandmaxsecretsanta !! This gift is for @impostorwhipplesshow !! Hope you like it, pal! I had fun making it :D!
Long ramble about my process and piece below the cut!
I couldn't really think of anything that involved Sam and Max shenanigans much, so I was a bit stressed... However, I remembered Max being in a dress was an option, so I decided to go with the Hit the Road look! Made the background, got 'em in the outfits, y'know, the silly stuff...
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The sketch was pretty fun to think of!! (Excuse the faces, I only got references for the clothes at the time, not the characters themselves) Though, pardon my inaccuracies with the dress, I don't draw poofy, fluffy clothes much. No better time than the present to practice! You can see how I changed the eyes from the sketch to their cartoon look, I just wanted to do the eyes...
Grabbed a couple of references and began arting, but I got stuck on what to draw specifically. I definitely wanted to include Sam, but wasn't sure how exactly I'd include him, since I was more focused on Max and his dress. I found myself staring at Sam's hat for his groom outfit, and inspo slapped me so hard I think I woulda fell outta my chair if it was tangible!! Magician trick heehoo... Classic bunny outta the hat! Max probably could fit in there if he wanted to anyways, and I thought it was pretty funny.
The last thing I worked on was what they would say. I didn't know whether to make it a pun or not but I didn't think Max would be into the lame puns I thought of at first LMAO, but I think it worked out in the end! Overall a fun experience, and I had a great first time in participating in something like this! Would do again, definitely 💞
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bizzyboyfriends · 2 months ago
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Heyyy @isopod-chan !!!!! I was your secret santa!!!! Was an absolute blast drawing you and jackbox!! LOVE the design of your sona!! Capybaras are super rad and the image of you two together was just too cute to pass up on drawing!! Happy holidays :D !!
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theinstagrahame · 1 year ago
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It's been a wild few months here at theInstaGrahame HQ, but what never fails to make me happy is the rad games I get from the mail. I'm getting over a cold, so I'mma work on this instead of anything productive I could be doing!
Here's my month of RPG mail calls, and why I'm hyped!
Coriolis: The Last Cyclade: I've been curious about Coriolis' Middle Eastern-themed sci-fi vibes for a while, so I put this on a Secret Santa wishlist; and this is what I got! Excited to dive in.
Curios: Albrecht Manor and Jasper Park: Good Luck Press is one of those game design teams I'll try anything from, and the pitch for this is really unique. It's not an RPG per se, as much as a collection of books, papers, maps, and other materials that point toward a mystery you get to figure out. Playing it is just... looking through stuff.
Salvage Union: I am a big fan of post-apocalyptic media, and a fan of the mecha genre. So, yeah, this was an easy sell. It's built on the Quest system, which I've been meaning to get more into anyway, and it looks like a mech repair manual!
The Zone (which I apparently thought people would just recognize): This game is available for free online, but the box set is gorgeous, and features some designers I love. Trying to set up an online session soon, but I do really want to play it in person.
Deimos Academy: Honestly, I picked it up because of the creative team, but also the pitch is great. I skipped my high school reunion, but if there was a chance to go back and face a monster? I might've thought about going.
Brindlewood Bay + Nephews in Peril: I was originally just going to get the super popular Elderly Detectives Solve Eldritch Crimes RPG, but the title of the expansion/mystery book was just too perfect.
Rebels f the Outlaw Wastes: I've already mentioned I like post-apocalyptica? Well, this took a neat approach to achievements/leveling that I was super intrigued by, and I just dig the fun vibe. The reason I like post-apocalyptic media is that it's hopeful, and this feels moreso than a lot of other stuff.
Skyrealms Almanac and Creatures and Folks: I've been into setting guides this past year. And like, this one is also a coloring book? Hell yeah.
Stoneburner: I've been following the creator on Twitter and elsewhere for a while, so I was curious about this title. But definitely sold when they talked about some of the inspiration being the original Starcraft games.
Forgery: Again, picked it up because I really like Banana Chan's work, but this is a paint-by-numbers solo RPG about forging a demonic painting. So like, yeah. That's rad.
Vast Grimm: Space Cruisers: Vast Grimm is Mork Borg in Space, but I'm also a big fan of ship catalogs, so I really wanted to check this one out.
.Dungeon: Everything Snow makes is beautiful, queer, and nostalgic, so when they mentioned a re-release of .Dungeon was coming, I really wanted to check it out. I have a lot of nostalgia for the
Cloud Empress (everything, including a patch!): I mean, you say Nausicaa and I'm listening. This has some roots in that world, but also does some really interesting things with the Mothership game engine. I'm especially intrigued by the notion of replacing racial traits with age traits, and having a series of pretty mundane jobs as the classes.
Layers of Unreality: The first of this month's Zine Club deliveries! I keep hearing about Liminal Horror, and this particular module I've heard nothing but incredible things about. So I'm really hyped to check out what happens in these backrooms.
Fear the Taste of Blood: My second Zine Club book this month! Kayla Dice is one of those really rad creators who I think deserves more attention than she gets, so I'm really hyped to dive into this take on classic movie monsters.
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I also got this from my partner's family's Secret Santa.
Okami is one of those games that sticks with me, and has ever since I first saw images from it, and played it. It's a genuinely beautiful experience, and while it's maybe not a game everyone will like, it's one that I really enjoy, and the art is a big part of that.
It stands out as an example of what you can do with a video game that's nearly impossible with most other art forms, and also a reason that I don't think the Arms Race for More Photorealistic Graphics in video game consoles is worth the effort.
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harrowharr0w · 1 month ago
ignore my first ask and TELL ME STH ABOUT AKITO ( for context my sister's class's having (very) late secret santa and she knows that the person she's giving presents to likes Akito from project sekai so yeah I need help- even just a funfact will do ( GIVE ME YOUE FAV CARD OF HIM FROM THE GAME)
HELP?? okay so akito is in vivid bad squad.. his bsf/partner is toya. he likes toya aoyagi. he also really likes pancakes & cheesecake
oh, he’s also terrified of dogs. and he’s usually like grumpy, but when meeting new person he’ll pull out a customer service persona. what else.. he’s (along with the rest of his group) really determined to surpass this one legendary event he saw as a kid called rad weekend. oh, and he can beatbox.
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these are my favorite cards :3
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wolfiafuntime · 1 year ago
You Believe in Santa?! | Obey Me Platonic HCs
Inspired by this weird half-joke I play on my sister every year, where I lie and tell her I believe in Santa. This has been going on for years now- I have NO clue how this started, and I'm in too deep to stop now... Also because I think(?) I've talked myself into thinking Santa exists; which is why I describe it as a half-joke.
Ft. The Demon Bros!
Tw: Mentions of Satan loving you but it can be read as platonic; You get called adorable; 1 mention of cancelling; Mammon slander (I'm sorry!!); Let me know if I need to add more!
Also, this is implied to be taking place in season 1 of the original game!
Published: December 9, 2023
Words: 3,500 (500 per bro)
Pages: 9.7 (1.4 on average)
 You know that face Lucifer makes whenever he's disappointed or tired? Yeah, he makes that expression when you tell him you believe in Santa. He can't tell if you're lying or not, which is odd for him because he can usually tell when you're lying; even if you're good at it.
 "Do you actually believe that?" He'll inevitably question you. You'll tell him 'yes' with a cheery smile and chipper tone, but something about your behavior makes it difficult for him to fully believe you.
 Whether you want to tell him the truth or not is up to you. If you do, and you ask him to keep your secret, he'll smile and agree. Although, chances are that he'll let Diavolo and Barbatos in on it. He might also tease Mammon when he inevitably starts to think Santa's real, too. But if you don't, he'll spend the next few weeks- if not, the entire holiday season- trying to figure out if you actually believe what you're saying. And while he's doing that, he's also trying to decide if he should tell you the truth or not.
 If you're fifteen or below, he probably won't. If you're in your thirties or above, he probably will. And if you're in between, then he's probably going to try and let you down privately and softly. It all depends on how mature you usually act, and on how dedicated you are to keeping up this lie.
 He's not gonna be happy when Solomon inevitably starts going around and telling people Santa's real. It doesn't matter if Lucifer's in on it or not. If he knows, he doesn't like it because Solomon's very shifty and he doesn't like having those kinds of people around his family. But he ultimately won't do anything to ruin your fun; he'll just tell you to be careful and keep an extra careful eye on you. But if Lucifer doesn't know, then he doesn't like it because he thinks Solomon's getting your hopes up, and he doesn't want you to be upset when you 'learn the truth'. In response, he'll corner Solomon in one of RAD's hallways and threaten the sorcerer into silence.
 He'll be confused when he finds a gift from 'Santa Claus' underneath the tree on Christmas day. When he doesn't recognize the handwriting, he'll cautiously open the box, believing it to be some sort of prank. Only to be stumped when he finds what seems to be a custom blend of tea. Curiously, he'll brew himself a cup, only to spit it right back out upon tasting it. It was horrid. So much so that only one person could have made him the gift. Solomon.
 The sorcerer's going to be in a world of pain soon...
 "Pfft, Santa ain't real! If he was, then he would've given me a limitless credit card ages ago!" Mammon scoffs upon hearing you. If Lucifer's nearby, he'll immediately get a smack on the head. Still, he won't start feeling bad until he spots you pouting at him.
 Your age doesn't matter. When you first start saying stuff like this, he's gonna be blunt and tell you that you're stupid. But if you keep it up, he'll slowly get softer and softer on you. Until, eventually, he stops telling you altogether. Keep it up some more, and with some help from Solomon, then he'll start to believe you're telling the truth. Maybe he'll to the conclusion that Santa only visits human worlders'. Did Solomon plant that thought? Maybe.
 He doesn't care when the others tease him. He's be too busy being pissed at Santa Claus for only giving humans gifts when 'The GREAT Mammon is only one world away!' Starts scheming about how he can sneak his way into the human world Christmas night so he can finally get that limitless card he wants. And yes, he's forcing you to help him. He's gonna say it's only because you're from the human world, but everybody knows that's just an excuse.
 He nearly gets to the human world. But as usual, he gets overconfident and brags about his plan in extreme detail. And as usual, Lucifer overheard and hung him upside down for the next day. You get strung up as well for helping him, but if Lucifer's not in on the secret, and you sorrowfully say 'but I wanted him to meet Santa...', then it'll only be for an hour. A side effect of saying this? Mammon starts feeling sad for you.
 When he's finally let down, one of the first things he does is visit Solomon. He's not stupid, he knows Lucifer's keeping a close eye on him now. But he knows that Solomon has easy access to the human world, and with his age, he's surely met Santa before, right? So maybe the sorcerer could get the old man to write him a letter and make him a gift? To cheer you up!
 He's pleasantly surprised on Christmas morning, when he discovers that Santa decided to make gifts for the whole family. He's a bit disappointed when he opens his present and discovers golden coins instead of a limitless card. But he perks back up when he realizes he's got fifty of them, with each being the height of his thumb! Excitedly, he contacted some demons he could pawn these off to... Only to be laughed at when one of those demons pulled the- fake- gold off to reveal it was actually chocolate!
 To make things worse, they tasted horrible! Didn't you say only bad people get bad gifts?!
 He gives you a deadpan look, the words 'I can't believe I live with this normie' echoing in his mind. He's got half a mind to tell you the truth, but his perspective on things changes when he finds a new anime called 'I Used To Believe In Santa Claus, But Then My Otaku Best Friend Told Me The Truth Which Really Strained Our Relationship, And I Just Met An Elf And I Think I'm Falling In Love With Him, But I Don't Know What To Do...!' ('Santa Claus Belief', for short) which completely changed his perspective on things.
 He ultimately decides not to tell you, or else he could risk losing you just like the Otaku in Santa Claus Belief did! Sure, the Otaku and the MC made up in the end, but that's completely different! He's, well, himself, and it's only gonna be a matter of time until that weird kindness of yours runs out and you abandon him. It's with this thought in mind that he doesn't even tease Mammon when he starts thinking Santa's real, too. This actually makes Mammon suspicious, but when he goes to check on his little brother, he gets nothing. So, he goes to you, Levi's Henry, and asks you to figure out the problem.
 Getting him to admit his worries isn't hard. Just hang out with him in the safety of his room, and when the time is right, bring up how Henry and The Lord of Shadow are always honest with one another. Is it hypocritical? Yes. But when he finally admits his grievances to you, you start to feel guilty and tell him your secret. He gets a bit flustered at first, but he cheers up when he remembers how well you've tricked Mammon.
 He can't help but join his brothers on teasing the secondborn after that. And sometimes, he teams up with Solomon to further mess with Mammon's head. Although, these are more spur-of-the-moment than planned.
 Come Christmas day, and he immediately knows the present from 'Santa Claus' is actually from either you or Solomon. Curiously, he opens it, and is immediately ecstatic to find a chocolate Ruri-Chan figurine inside of it. He stays in that high for a while, until he realizes that it's only a matter of time until the figurine melts. To try and stop it, he goes and turns down the house's temperature to zero. And then he does it several more times, because everyone else keeps turning it up, until Lucifer threatens to give the figurine to Beel.
 So, he goes to Solomon to get some sort of freezing spell that he can put on it. He's shocked when Solomon, a bit disappointed to find the figurine still intact, admits that he was the one who made it. Still, Solomon casts the spell, and Levi leaves; troubled knowing his beloved Ruri-Chan contains pure horrors.
 Becomes curious when he hears you still believe in Santa Claus. From the human books he's read, all humans learn the truth about Santa sometime in their early teen years. If not, a couple of years before then. So, he starts asking you why you still believe in Father Christmas. Naturally, you tell him it's because you've gotten a present from him every year without fail.
 This sparks a conflict within Satan. With you being in the Devildom, far from the loved ones who'd no doubt been keeping this delusion of yours alive, you'd surely learn the truth... But that means you'd get your childhood dreams shattered on Christmas day. One of the happiest days of the year for humans.
 With a heavy heart, he decides to tell you the truth a few weeks before Christmas, hoping that your mourning period would end before then. But when he does, you assure him of the opposite. And you do so while keeping your cheery mood; not even feeling an iota of wrath. He asks you about it, and you tell him that nearly everyone you've ever known during the holidays has tried telling you the same. It's here that he becomes fascinated with how resolute humans are- especially you.
 He's tempted to try and use facts and logic to break through to you, but he ultimately decides not to. He loves you, and the thought of ruining your childhood memories makes him angry with himself. And the possibility of having to do it multiple times doesn't help. And so, he decides to go out and buy you a second Christmas present- one from 'Santa Claus'. He ends up buying you both presents, however, when he discovers a pair of magical books that allow for interdimensional communication! He wraps them both up and puts an illusion spell on the 'to's and 'from's to keep you from recognizing his handwriting.
 However, come Christmas Day, he's incredibly confused upon finding a second gift from Santa. Sensing an illusion spell on it, he dissipates and instantly recognizes it to be Solomon's handwriting. Instantly, he's on guard. He's heard that the sorcerer's been helping keep your lifelong beliefs alive, which soothes some of his eternal anger. And the fact that he's apparently convinced Mammon that Santa is real brings a smile to his face. But Solomon's always got an angle, and he doesn't know how pretending to be Santa Claus and sending his entire family gifts will benefit him... But he decides to forget about it when he sees Lucifer spitting tea from 'Santa' into the kitchen sink.
 Opening his present, he finds a book made out of candy inside of it. At first, he thought the only candy bit was the peppermint cover. But a note reveals it's actually made out of thin wax candy, and the words are written with food coloring.
 He can't help but giggle when you tell everyone you believe in Santa Claus. He didn't know humans think that! And apparently, most of them grow out of it? Well, aren't you just adorable! Not as adorable as him, of course, but still adorable! So much so, that he makes a post about it on his Devilgram, with a selfie of the two of you to go with it. And if he sees any hate comments, then he's gonna cancel them and leave them for his... Rowdier, fans.
 He wonders how you'll react when you don't get a present on Christmas day. Will you pout, or will you make up some sort of excuse to keep this fantasy of yours alive? It's for this reason that he, himself, pouts when he hears that the others are trying to bring you down to reality. And so, he goes to try and talk them out of it; making sure to be careful with his words. If you do become sad on Christmas morning, he'll for sure be there to cheer you up! But he knows that Lucifer would tie him up if his intentions were discovered, and he does not want his clothes to get messed up!
 His opinion on Solomon also telling everyone that Santa exists? He finds it just as funny as he finds the rest of this situation. A simple conversation with the sorcerer reveals to him what he already knew: That Solomon doesn't really think Santa exists. But it doesn't reveal to him that you don't believe in Santa, either.
 Another thing he can't help but laugh at is Mammon. He knew the secondborn was stupid, but he didn't know he was that stupid! His laughter grows when Solomon says that Mammon wants him to 'talk Santa Claus into making a quick trip to the Devildom'. While on the topic, Asmo gives Solomon some gift ideas for every member of the House of Lamentation... And then Asmo gives a bunch of gift ideas for himself.
 His disappointment is immeasurable, come Christmas, and he finds Solomon used none of his gift ideas. But his day is not ruined! Especially when he discovers that all of 'Santa Claus's gifts are made out of candy. Even more so when he discovers that his gift is a small assortment of extravagant candy jewelry. A, because the gift isn't going to waste because he'll simply wear it. And B, because it gives him the perfect excuse to hold a photo shoot! And yes, you're gonna be included in some of the photos. You're the reason why he got such a magnificent gift in the first place!
 When the day comes to an end, though, he wonders how Solomon chose everyone's presents. He knows the sorcerer isn't close enough with them to know their preferences, nor would he care enough to remember them...
 Hm? You say Santa Claus is real? Does that mean he only gives gifts to those in the human world? He's very close to fully believing you, with his only saving grace being Belphegor, who tells him the truth... But then Solomon starts saying Santa's real, and he starts doubting Belphie. Yes, he feels slightly guilty for doing so. But at the same time, both you and Solomon are from the human world. Meanwhile, Belphegor has been ignoring the realm's existence for hundreds of years now.
 Chances are that he's gonna start believing in Santa before Mammon does. Unlike Mammon, though, he's not going to get mocked... Mostly because no one's surprised. Don't get them wrong, they aren't unsurprised! But Beel's just got that vibe, you know? What with how dense and food-orientated he usually is.
 But Beel believing Santa's real isn't definitive in this headcanon. Because there's an equal chance that Belphie talks him out of it a second time. When this happens, he'll be disappointed. Not extremely, but enough that he decides not to tell you the truth. And he'll ask the others to do the same. After all, if he was sad after learning Santa's not real when he only thought so for a few days (a week at most), then how'd you feel after thinking that for over a decade?
 But if Belphie can't talk him out of it, then Beel's going to help Mammon talk Solomon into talking Santa into coming to the Devildom (Boy, was that a mouthful...). And while he's there, he asks that Santa bring him a gingerbread house the size of the HoL.
 Either way, he's super excited when he smells the Christmas tree smelling like a buffet on Christmas morning. It takes all of his willpower to keep himself from eating both the tree and all of the presents. But thankfully you spot him struggling and hand him his first gift; a circular box signed by Santa. He's actually a bit disappointed at first, because while he smells sweets inside, the box is awfully small when compared to him. Too small to properly feed him, which leads the poor boy to believe he'd done something naughty.
 Thankfully, however, he turns his frown upside-down when he unwraps the gift. A nice-looking cookie tin with a note on the lid: 'I know that you've got a bottomless stomach, so I made you this! Just put the ingredients for a batch of cookies inside of it, wait ten minutes, and you'll have a batch of cookies ready to eat!' And luckily for him, they don't taste horrible!
 (Also, the day before Christmas, he bakes a batch of cookies with you! If Beel thinks Santa's real, then he does his best to not eat them all. Mostly because he believes Santa's power comes from eating cookies!)
 Father Christmas? Kriss Kringle? Saint Nick? Who are they and why are you rambling about them and Santa..? That's right, he doesn't know that much about Santa Claus. He's been ignoring humans and avoiding everything that wasn't their suffering since he fell into the Devildom. If he heard about Santa, then he probably erased it from his memory after scowling about how humanity had something so nice; real or not. And the others probably kept their mouths shut to keep from upsetting him.
 So at first, he thinks that Santa's real, too. But he quickly learns otherwise when the others start poking fun at you, and even straight-up tell you that you're wrong. Curious, he asks you about him. And after hearing all your tales, he goes to Satan to get some books on him. He can't help but laugh when the fifth-born confesses that he gets a bunch of sloppily written letters from human kids this time of year. Belphie's always been curious about it, but has always been too tired to ask.
 He doesn't blame Beel when he starts thinking Santa's real. After all, with all of the different kinds of spells, there's surely a perfect combination that would allow someone to do what Santa can do. Like stalking spells, time slowness spells, teleportation spells, and more. However, the power needed to deliver gifts to half of humanity in a single night would take Lucifer-level power. And he doesn't blame you for thinking Santa's real, either. At least, not entirely. After all, children grow up believing in him. But you were supposed to learn the truth years ago. But despite being told the truth who knows how many times, you've consistently refused to listen to it. He tries a couple of times himself, but quickly gets frustrated and gives up...
 Until he overhears you and Solomon talking, that is. He was napping on a bench at RAD, so the two of you must've thought it was safe. But unfortunately for you, he'd awoken earlier than expected. This is something he doesn't bother hiding, and something else he doesn't hide is how funny he finds your and Solomon's faces. When his laughter dies down, he semi-playfully demands something from the both of you to keep your secret...
 He has to keep himself from smirking on Christmas morning. Especially when he spots Beel drooling and gazing at the tree with hunger. He's curious to see how long his twin will last, but unfortunately you spot him, too. But he doesn't let that get him down, and insteads opens his gift from Solomon. There, he finds a gingerbread scented neck pillow with a note telling him it's enchanted to shrink and grow whenever he pushes and pulls on it.
 (He's not able to catch all of them, but he finds the others' reactions to their gifts hilarious!)
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frostbitepandaaaaa · 2 months ago
Hello!!! It's me, your secret santa!!! I hope you're doing well. What movie/play/story would you love to see adapted into a Rebelcaptian au?
Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and make sure to stay hydrated!!!
hi Santa!! so great to hear from you! i hope you also had a great week. <3
oooo boy there are SO MANY but the one that comes to mind immediately (and, afaik there is no current AU for it) is an Edge of Tomorrow AU. it would just be so perfect for rebelcaptain! i have a rough sketch of a sketch what that AU might look like, but it's pretty far down the pipeline! i also. think someone else could probably write it better.
A Mad Max: Fury Road AU would also be rad af. (don't look at me @staticwaffles and @quarantineddreamer)
thanks again for stopping by, Santa! see you next week! <3
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nerditudes · 3 months ago
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"Dude, a secret Santa? Totally rad! Can’t wait to crush some good vibes!"
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riafunnel · 1 year ago
Nariya & Eriya with Folken
Watercolor and fineliner pens on paper
Hi Leaf! @gasexplosionatthescalpelfactory I'm your gift-giver for Escaflowne Secret Santa 2023! :D
@esca-ss @radical-rad1986
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I was inspired by a painting called the Wilton Diptych. I wanted to portray the absolute adoration the twins had for Folken while also showing how unattainable he is to them. So I made them into a diptych! I used some gold and silver in the background and in some clothing accents.
I had a blast participating in this year's ESS. Thanks Rad for coordinating! :)
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
I think diavolo would bring a theme christmas week to RAD when MC told him about it and how they celebrated SJDJSJ
And like they do the secret friend with the brothers and dateables <33 they could be really cute scenarios and interactions while everyone search for the perfect gift for their secret friend
Of course someone needs to be dressed as santa, probably diavolo or beel, and give the gift to each demon and angel awwawawawawwww
Yesss anon this is exactly why we don't think too much about demons celebrating Christmas - 'cause it's so dang cute!!
I really think the instant Diavolo learned about Christmas, he would want to have a big celebration for it. Especially if MC really just focused on things like Santa, maybe made him watch some Christmas movies. Can you imagine Dia watching Elf? MC is like, this is for educational purposes lol. MC gives him a playlist of Christmas music, but it's all the songs about snow and stuff. They make a separate one for the angels that's all the angel songs. Assuming the angels aren't super familiar with human Christmas music lol. I would assume the Celestial Realm has its whole own thing going on with that.
Man I loooove the secret Santa idea! Just imagine them all agonizing over the gifts to get for each other! Everybody consults MC about it, so in the end MC knows exactly who has who.
I could see either Diavolo or Beel being amazing Santas, but I think Diavolo would just be SO EXCITED to dress up. Barbatos makes him the Santa outfit. They get him a beard and everything. MC tells him he has to say ho ho ho and what not. Little D's get to wear reindeer headbands. I am here for all of this.
I will say that my Christmas experience is very American, but there are probably a lot of cool traditions from other countries that they'd be just as excited about. Even within the same place, people often have vastly different holiday traditions, so I think it'd be fun to consider how they'd react to all the possibilities. Assuming they knew nothing of Christmas before all this, they'd probably get a little overwhelmed lol!
HOWEVER I will say it's October 1st, shouldn't you guys be sending me Halloween-related asks?? I feel like the Home Depot pulling out Christmas in October lol.
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havendance · 1 year ago
Santaquest Pt. 4: New Comics Version!
Taking a break from reading the endless old comics holiday anthologies to check out some *new* DC comics!
DC's Twas the Mite before Christmas!
We've got an appearance of who I believe is the real Santa in the Booster Gold story: The Santa Copies.
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Booster Gold: Whatever this looks like, I swear-- I didn't kill Santa!
Santa gets hit by some piece of Alien technology that causes anyone who touches him to turn into him! Booster, who had touched him, proceeds to go off and stop a mugging while in Santa Mode:
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Rip Hunter: Booster! Get back here!
Only when he touches the muggers, they turn into Santa too! And then they all go off to deliver presents:
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Skeets (voice over): "...we've lucked out with the man they're turning into." Booster: Merry Christmas!
Fortunately, Rip Hunter is able to reverse it and things return to normal.
Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight #1
This one's from last week, but since we'll also be covering #2, let's get caught up first.
Strange vampires attack some carrollers. When Batman and Robin show up to investigate, none other appears to aid them than Santa Claus! (And also Zatanna)
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Santa: I came as soon as I heard. The draug never got Farther than Norther Europe before. For them to be free again and in GOtham City is... ...bad tidings. Prancer (he has glowing eyes and looks rad): Snort. Santa: Easy there, Prancer.
We learn that Batman once trained under Santa Claus! (If I didn't have like 5 other wips I want to get done, I'd almost want to write that story)
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Santa: That it has. I've followed your exploits. Robin (Damian): Wait, What-- Batman: We met during my years abroad. He showed me a few things I still use.
This isn't your average Santa though, he's jaded and cool:
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Damian: Clau-- You can't be serious. I don't believe in Santa! Santa: You and me both, kid.
Uhh, this is getting kind of long, so let's put in a cut. The rest of issue 1 and issue #2 beneath!
This Santa also doesn't need to worry about Christmas, he spends all his time hunting monsters! (Man there aren't enough exclamation points in these new-fangled comics. I've got to use more in my summary to make up for it!)
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Santa: It's fine-- It hasn't needed me to happen in centuries. No, I hunted and trapped all the Draug and somehow they've been set loose again. That's why I'm here. Someone freed them from the catacombs I sealed myself. Deep underground. Only I knew they were there.
The issue ends with the Krampus attacking and injuring Zatanna! Santa once sealed him away, but now he's back!
Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight #2
We open with Santa taking Zatanna away for medical treatment. He leaves a message for Batman and his allies and they retreat to a Batcave to view it! During a flashback sequence we learn that Santa and Krampus used to be friends, working together to bring order!
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Santa: And one day, hopefully, the carrot alone will be enough. Krampus: Bah! The stick, the stick! Nightwing: Interesting--they brought order to chaos by scaring the wicked.
However, this all came to an end, when Santa mistakenly thought the Krampus had eaten some children and banished him! Once he realized his mistake, it was too late for him to fix it. The next night, the draug are Batman, but Batman calls in Miss Martian, Green Arrow, and Black Canary to help! (And they all look super bad-ass while doing it) In the end of the battle, someone else shows up--Superman!
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Superman: You never said-- --that you knew. Santa.
What's Krampus up to? Does Superman also know Santa? Is he upset that his extremely secretive friend kept secrets from him? Will Santa and Krampus be able to reconcile due to Christmas Spirit? All this more I'm sure we'll find out in the next issues.
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voskhodart · 1 year ago
Yooo it's Webtoon art swap reveal day.
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I had the really cool opportunity to participate in Webtoon's official Canvas secret-Santa art swap this year. I got assigned to My Life as a Magic Girl by Vicky, which is a super cute LGBT magic girl comic that I actually really enjoyed reading through. Definitely recommend checking it out!
I also recieved some rad art from Webby, creator of Everything Under the Sun, a nice summery slice-of-life comic. I think she did a really great job with my trio. :]
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tsaritsa · 1 year ago
pspsps secret santa gifter here, whats your favourite flavour of royai? pre-Ishval, during canon, or post-canon? or just complete au?
happy december btw!!! :D
me upon getting this ask:
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if i absolutely had to make a choice, i'd go for during canon bc there are so many ways to play that. secret lovers? military ball? angst bc of plot point #74635873? slice of life shenannigans? i will honestly love whatever u make, doubly so if it's gonna be my fav barbie dolls. but in saying that, if u wanna go for an au where it's super clichéd (think tattoo artist/flowershop, bakery/mechanic, museum curator/Extremely Tired public servant) that would also be rad as hell
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